Thursday, September 4, 2008

Another Day in Paradise

Oh my, what another fabulous day at my house. My mom and step dad are at it again. I swear my mom can't do anything right according to him. He won't help with the house cleaning, which is important because we are having the elders over for dinner and there is a certain way Grandma likes things. See, George is a horder. He keeps everything. My mom keeps making excuses for him but meanwhile, the house is completely full of CRAP! So annoying. Of course it doesn't help that all my scrapbooking stuff is here at the house. We just have too much stuff. Now granted, most of my stuff is contained in two rooms...My room and a corner in the unfinished part of the basement. There is some stuff scattered but that's mainly where it is. Its sooo annoying. Oh well, maybe i'm pmsing....who knows!

Anyway, on to good news. Tony gets paid on Friday and hopefully it will be close to enough to get us our own place. We are back in MO for good now...sooo happy about that. Can't believe that we actually stayed in Tulsa for 2 whole years....amazing...time really did fly by pretty quickly. Although, sometimes i think it crawled by. But all in all, we made it back like we wanted to. Oh, and if Tony wants to finish his schooling, he has a place that he can stay to finish up with his airframe portion of classes. That will only take about 6 weeks to complete so if he decides to do that...more power to him...although, i think he's done with that and is going to pursue a different avenue....he wants to go to the community college in St. Charles to get his generals done and then we shall see where he's going next. Our life is forever changing and can sometimes be sooooo frustrating! Hopefully we will be getting some money our way soon....we can only dream!

Oh, a good note...i have a group interview at PetLand on Thursday, Sept. 11...two days after my birthday thank you very much!!!! Hopefully they will like me enough to do a one on one interview later on....I really would love that job. It's to be a Pet Counselor...basically I will be a puppy salewoman!! I think I can handle that! I love puppies and I love to put them in good homes. So hopefully I can combine the two and have a fabulous job! We shall see! I will definitely keep you posted! Well, gotta run and cook dinner for the's enchilada night!! One of the days, I'll post my recipe for everyone! Talk to y'all later!

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